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Impact on Animals

We Animals Media Pig

Credit: Seb Alex  / We Animals Media

Factory farms

The U.S. slaughters over nine billion land animals annually (chickens, pigs, cows) for food. Of those animals, 99 percent are raised in factory farms leading lives of fear and suffering. Meanwhile, the average U.S. citizen over consumes calories and protein and wastes almost 50% of food.


More than 300 million hens are used in annual U.S. egg production, and most live in cages where they are unable to move. For dairy production in the U.S. alone, nine million cows endure artificial insemination, calf separation, and mastitis udder infections. Most of the animals used for eggs and dairy are killed for other consumer products when they are no longer considered productive.

We Animals Media Dairy Cows

Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media

We Animals Media Fish in Nets

Credit: Andrew Skowron  / We Animals Media

Marinelife disruption

The U.S. alone kills 4,756,997 tons of fish for food annually. This number would likely double if it included by-catch, animals caught and killed unintentionally and never consumed. Contrary to cultural beliefs, many sea animals can feel pain and fear; they also play an important role in balancing the ocean’s ecosystem.


In the U.S., four million animals are trapped for fur annually. This number does not include animals farmed for fur, which would add another four million just in farmed mink. We do not require animal fur to keep us warm or look stylish, and yet the practice continues.

We Animals Media Fur Cage

Credit: Stefano Belacchi / Essere Animali / We Animals Media

We Animals Media Macaque for Testing

Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media


The U.S. reported use of 767,622 animals for research in 2015. If this number included mice, rats, and birds, it’s estimated the count would be closer to 100 million. Animals in testing endure shocking, burning, poisoning, and other traumas—often to the point of death—when we have alternative options for testing products.

Wildlife depletion

In the rainforest we clear to grow livestock feed, in the oceans we fish to depletion, and in all the natural areas we push into to build more factories, stores, and landfills for our goods, we push out and kill non-human animals.


Credit: Patricia Seaton/ We Animals Media


Moving toward products that do less harm

We're all animals here, and isn't death a natural part of life? Don't lions eat zebras? Yes, and still, nature has never seen a mass genocide at the hand of one species like what humans have done with modern agriculture.


It's a fairy tale to think we can eliminate all animal suffering at human hands. By merely existing, we cause habitat destruction and accidental deaths. However, we have many viable alternatives to animal foods, product testing, and clothing materials.


For ways to reduce the amount of animal suffering required to make products, head to the consumer solutions page.

Sources and inspirations

“Farmed Animal Fundamentals." Faunalytics,, Accessed 30 Oct. 2022.


“Global Animal Slaughter Statistics & Charts: 2020 Update." Faunalytics,, Published July 29, 2020.


“Animal Advocacy By Numbers." Faunalytics,, Published July 15, 2016.

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